
Neal Schaffer

Every week I provide a curated newsletter for thousands of marketers, entrepreneurs, business owners and content creators that covers the latest news as well as actionable advice on all things digital, content, influencer, and social media marketing. I try my best to also provide advice on the latest developments of Generative AI and how to leverage it for marketing as well as personal branding for your digital presence.

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12 LinkedIn Cover Photo Ideas For Entrepreneurs And Brands | Influencer Marketing: The Bridge Between B2B Brands And Genuine Connections | VidSummit 2023 Review: YouTube Secrets And AI Tips For Content Creators + More!

Hey Reader, Thanks for all of those that responded back to my question I posed here last week - I appreciate you! I am still hunkering down on writing my 5th book, while at the same time, I have yet to announce this in public, but I will begin teaching my 2nd course at UCLA Extension starting next week called "Personal Branding and Becoming an Influencer." Ever since my very first book on LinkedIn back in 2009, I have always talked about personal branding, and of course in The Age of...

Hey Reader, I'm curious - do you read my introductory paragraphs that I write here? Or do you go straight to the information I share? Help me out by responding if you read these introductory paragraphs and want to continue listening to my personal updates. Thank you in advance for your feedback! That said, it's on to my recommended content for the week! My Latest YouTube Video Marketing Experiments: Questions To Ask Before You Begin In this video, we explore the questions you should ask...

Hey Reader, Last week was VidSummit and this week was another incredible conference that I attended: Adobe MAX. While Adobe MAX is mainly for Adobe creators, if you can imagine the convergence of the creator economy, influencer marketing, and digital marketing - and how a tool like Adobe Express allows ANYONE to be the master of their own creativity - and you can see how I literally received one year's worth of inspiration in one week! Because of these 2 back-to-back conferences I am a day...

Hey Reader, I wanted to send a humble thank you to all of you who have helped me through this journey of writing my next book, which has taken a long time, as you all know! Finally, last night, I finished the final chapter of my first draft - hooray! There is still a LONG way to go, but the plan now is to do a rewrite of the book starting today (well, next week - I need a few days off to catch up on other work!) and finish it by November 15. A that point I will have a completed manuscript...

black and gray pen on table

Hey Reader, This week I attended the B2B Marketing Expo in Downtown Los Angeles. As could be expected, there were many sessions on leveraging AI for digital marketing. But the sessions really only talked about a few tools, all of which I have introduced here on my newsletter, and general information. In other words, if you can keep up with the AI marketing blog posts on my site and on this weekly newsletter, and if you are taking action and seeing how you can use some of these tools in your...